Strata FAQs
4 Articles Buying into a Strata Scheme
16 Articles Managing your Strata
- What is a Strata Committee?
- What is a Sub-Committee?
- Duties and Responsibilities of Strata Committee Members
- Tips for Committees
- What is a professional Strata Manager?
- How does a self-managed strata committee operate?
- Can you manage your strata yourself?
- What responsibilities do the members of the executive have?
- What if we need to remove committee members?
- What are the specific duties of a strata manager?
- Do we need to employ a professional strata manager?
- What is a Common Seal?
- What are resident managers?
- How do we deal with contracts and terminations?
- What’s the difference between strata managers and resident managers?
- Who should I contact for more info?
6 Articles What are By-Laws?
3 Articles What are Sinking Funds and Levies?
6 Articles Meetings
5 Articles Disputes
4 Articles Strata Audits
20 Articles Pets
- Can I keep a pet? (Owners and Tenants)
- Do you have any info for property owners?
- What about info for tenants?
- Tips for neighbours and strata managers (pets)
- Tips for neighbours and strata managers (pet waste)
- Tips for Dog Owners
- Tips for Cat Owners
- Where to get help (pets)
- Pet Waste – Dogs
- Pet Waste – Cats
- Where to get help (pet waste)
- Pet application and agreement forms
- Strata laws impacting pet owners (NSW)
- Strata laws impacting pet owners (VIC)
- Strata laws impacting pet owners (SA)
- Strata laws impacting pet owners (Qld)
- Strata laws impacting pet owners (WA)
- Strata laws impacting pet owners (ACT)
- Strata laws impacting pet owners (NT)
- Strata laws impacting pet owners (Tasmania)
3 Articles Pools
7 Articles Noisy Neighbours
1 Article Car parking
22 Articles Maintenance and Occupational Health and Safety (OHS)
- What common issues arise around maintenance in strata communities?
- What challenges are there for strata owners regarding building maintenance?
- How do sinking fund contributions and special levies work?
- What are ‘strata improvement loans’?
- What is ‘supplier finance’ and how can it be used to fund strata maintenance?
- Any more advice on building maintenance?
- What about safety and emergency measures?
- What are our responsibilities around fire precautions?
- Which strata buildings must comply with new asbestos laws?
- What are the asbestos survey requirements?
- What are the best steps to strata asbestos law compliance?
- Any important asbestos info for strata and community scheme managers?
- How often must an asbestos containing materials audit be updated?
- How does a body corporate deal with building maintenance issues?
- Who’s responsible for building inspections?
- Dealing with Defects
- Elevator Maintenance and Upgrades
- Funding options for strata improvements
- Independent contractor or employee: important differences
- National Broadband Network (NBN) Cabling
- Safety and emergency measures
- The new asbestos regime – how do you comply?
1 Article Gardens
7 Articles Children in Strata
- What about pools and ponds and keeping them child safe?
- How do I ensure my apartment complex is child-safe?
- What about the risk of falls?
- Are fly screens an issue?
- My property has a balcony. How can I keep it child-safe?
- FAQs regarding your child in an Owners Corporation
- Ensuring your apartment complex is child-safe